Ur tidningen "The European Union Times", den 18/11 -09: "92%
of Gang Rapists in London are Non-white The report, drawn up by a senior detective from the Yard’s Operation Sapphire team, which investigates sex crimes, revealed that eight percent of all gang rape suspects in 2008/09 were white, 32 percent were black, and 24 percent contained members of different ethnicities. The make-up for the rest was unknown. The proportion of white victims fell from 69 percent in 1998/99 to 50 percent last year, while the number of black victims doubled from 17 percent to 34 percent, the report continued. In total, there were 93 gang rapes last year compared with 36 in 2003/04. Police define the offence as being a sex attack by three or more people, although research by the Met shows an increase in the number of assaults involving four or more attackers."
to 'lance boil' of resentment over 'unfairness' of immigration, says
Labour's Margaret Hodge Migrants
would be forced to 'earn' the right to benefits and council housing
over several years under explosive plans outlined today by a senior
Labour minister. The Culture Minister is calling for a new points system - based on length of residence or national insurance contributions - to determine that only migrants who have made a fair contribution to society get the same rights as local families. Mrs
Hodge, who is facing a General Election challenge from BNP leader Nick
Griffin, told the Daily Mail it was time to 'lance the boil' of growing
discontent over the wave of economic migrants entering Britain. One recent poll found that 65 per cent of voters believe foreign arrivals get favourable treatment over housing and benefits. It also showed a third of voters support a core policy of the far-Right BNP, proposing that people from ethnic minorities should lose all state benefits, including NHS treatment, to pay for a 'resettlement policy' for those wishing to leave the country. " "Oärliga Blair och Straw anklagde för hemlig plan att göra Storbritannien mångkulturellt" "Jack Straw and Tony Blair 'dishonestly' concealed a plan to allow in more immigrants and make Britain more multi-cultural because they feared a public backlash if it was made public, it has been claimed." The allegation was made after a former Labour adviser said the Government opened up UK borders partly to humiliate Right-wing opponents of immigration. Andrew Neather, who worked for Mr Straw when he was Home Secretary, and as a speech writer for Mr Blair, claimed a secret Government report in 2000 called for mass immigration to change Britain's cultural make-up forever." "Andrew Neath, tidigare rådgivare till Labour, har visat att Blairs regering medvetet dolde en plan för att öppna Storbritanniens gränser för massinvandring för att ändra den brittiska kulturen för alltid." "Journalisten Melanie Phillips skriver exempelvis följande om invandringspolitiken i konservativa Daily Mail: Det var således ett politiskt motiverat försök av ministrarna att förändra landets fundamentala sammansättning och identitet. Det gjordes för att förstöra det brittiska folkets rätt att leva i ett samhälle definierat av en gemensam historia, religion, lag, språk och traditioner. Det gjordes för att för alltid förstöra innebörden av att vara kulturellt brittisk och ersätta det med en ”mångkulturell” identitet. Och det gjordes utan att fråga det brittiska folket om de ville att deras land och deras kultur skulle omvandlas på det här viset. Nog så illvilligt så var ett av motiven för arbetarpartiets ministrar 'att gnida högerns näsa i mångfald och göra deras argument gammalmodiga'."